Bicycle Suspension - Virtual Pivot Point
The VPP family of suspension systems fall into the four bar linkage category. They have short links instead of the longer links on a conventional four bar (chainstay and rocker).
The VPP (Virtual Pivot Point) system used by Santa Cruz and Intense, also claims to have reduced the problem of pedal bob. Soon after the VPP was introduced, the creation of the Progressive Suspension 5th Element rear shock (based on Currnut's platform damper) near the beginning of the Millennium allowed riders to adjust almost any frame, regardless of design, to be pedaled without the pedal bob that plagued earlier designs. Other companies have followed Progressive's lead (mainly Manitou with its SPV system based on the 5th Element and Fox's ProPedal which uses a shim stack rather than an air pressurized valve) and new designs in suspension design have come out. These 'intelligent' shocks always have to compromise between their resistance to bob and performance with smaller bumps. VPP designs typically use shocks that include some sort of platform damping.
However, the four bar linkage may cause pedal bobbing, lockout, and brake jack. With the rise of more complicated shocks and a larger market share for full suspension bikes, mountain bike suspension tuners have now arrived. It is now possible to have shocks tuned to each individual rider's desires.
Gowes Soka Indah
Itulah kira-kira yang kami rasakan saat finish di areal parkir Soka Indah.
Perjalanan dengan bersepeda yang semula berupa wacana akhirnya menjadi kenyataan dan terlaksana pada hari Sabtu 21 November 2009, 8 biker start dari Renon jam 6 pagi, 1 lagi biker start dari Canggu, 1 lagi start dari Munggu jam 7.30, total 10 biker melaju mengikuti rute yang sudah disurvey oleh duet surveyor (Ermil "Eric Xtrada" & Kenik "Pangeran Hussar") menggunakan sepeda motor beberapa hari sebelumnya.
Namun dikarenakan sesuatu dan lain hal, 5 biker berhenti di pantai Kedungu, sedangkan 5 biker lain melanjutkan perjalanan menuju garis finish di Soka Indah, mereka adalah Ermil "Eric Xtrada", Kenik "Pangeran Hussar", Andi "Shrek", Ferry "uCoX", Oket.
Singkat cerita, sesampainya di Soka Indah, yang memang benar-benar indah, kami beristirahat sejenak, lalu mencari warung untuk makan siang sambil menunggu mobil pickup yang akan mengangkut 4 biker beserta sepedanya untuk kembali ke rumah masing-masing.
Lho... kok cuma 4 yang pulang naik pickup???
Crank Length
Subject: Re: Crank Length Suggestions From: Roger Marquis ( Date: 1997/03/12 Newsgroups: In Tony Pinto ( wrote: >I was planning to purchase new cranks in a slightly longer length (175) but >read a section in "Serious Cycling" that said someone of my height 5'10" >should be using 170's. I have other books that do not seem to agree with >this recommendation but now I am wondering what the effects will be of an >increase. At 5'10 you're borderline for 172.5 cranks, assuming a normal leg length. The best all-around crank length could be either 170s or 172.5s depending on your inseam. Watch out for long cranks, they cause a very sharp bend in the knee at top dead center right where you begin to apply power. Too short cranks don't pose a risk to the knee joint but they also won't be efficient unless you spend a lot of time at high cadence. The general rule of thumb is: * below 5'10 use 170mm cranks on for general (road) racing and training, * 5'10 to 6'1 use 172.5mm cranks, * 6'1 plus use 175mm cranks, And modify for specialized events: * subtract 2.5mm for track racing (or more on short steep tracks or short events), * subtract 2.5 to 5mm if you have frequent knee problems, * add 2.5mm for time trials and hilly races, (and MTB races), * add 5mm for pure hillclimbs. Roger Marquis (
JH B2W in Hong Kong
Please welcome our new JH B2W Hong Kong member, Jeff Mok, he's in Hong Kong and looking forward to biking together with us here on his next visit... |
Why WD-40 is Bad for Your Bike Chain
Near the end of last week’s tutorial, I mentioned that WD-40 should never be used as a chain lubricant. Quite a few people wanted to know what I meant by that. Here’s an explanation.
WD-40 was developed by the military in the 50s as a rust preventative solvent and de-greaser to protect missile parts. It quickly became a household item when people discovered it had thousands of other uses as a cleaner, rust-prevention agent, squeak-stopper and more. It also works wonders as a light lubricant on small items like hinges, locks, and toys.
Bicycle chains, on the other hand, are far too heavy and fast-moving for the lubricating power of WD-40 to have any effect at all. As a matter of fact, WD-40 will actually strip away any existing lubricant and leave your drivetrain dry – metal on metal. Basically, spraying this stuff on your chain is worse than using no lubricant at all!
Obviously, I strongly recommend using chain oil purchased from your local bike shop. Just go down there and ask them for regular waterproof chain oil. It shouldn’t be any more than 10 or 12 bucks, and it’s the best thing you can buy for your bike. My personal favorite is Cross Country, but if you want the Caviar, you can get quality oils from companies like Phil Wood. We’ll talk more about lubricants later…
Bike Events: Denpasar LPD Fun Bike 2009, Minggu, 1 November 2009
![]() | Rute Denpasar LPD Fun Bike 2009 ini bisa dilihat secara visual di sini (powered by |
Strategies to Promote Bicycling
Encouraging bicycling requires first considering what issues and attitudes could be leveraged for support and what perceptions and realities get in the way of bicyclists riding more.
Environments where people want to and choose to bike have three main components:
- PLACE—people need room on the road or a designated bike path. They also may need other facilities that make bicycling more convenient, such as bicycle racks out side of businesses and shower facilities at workplaces. For more on making safe places for cycling, visit the Engineering section.
- CONSIDERATE MOTORISTS—riders are most comfortable around motorists who give room and watch for bicyclists. For ways to encourage motorists to drive safely and considerately around bicyclists, visit the Education or Enforcement sections.
- REASON—people need a purpose for riding, whether for recreation, physical activity, or utility. Part of promoting bicycling involves making the reasons to bike more apparent.
Below is a list of ideas that an agency, employer, or coalition may choose to help promote bicycling, often by making it more appealing or easier to do. If there is not yet an established coalition in your community, then find out more about how to build a coalition.
1. Spread the word: marketing campaigns
Campaigns get people thinking about bicycling. They can give the message that the community is a place for biking. Marketing campaigns can convey reasons to bike or include safety reminders for drivers or cyclists.
See how several campaigns around the country work:
- Houston, TX—Houston's "on a roll" program promotes bicycle use through informational material, city-wide bicycle maps, training courses, and public service announcements (PSAs).
- San Francisco, CA—San Francisco's program educates drivers of safety involving road bicyclists and promotes proper biking techniques.
- Charlotte, NC—The City of Charlotte has several active community bicycle organizations that promote cycling as part of their activities,
including Bike Charlotte, the Charlotte Area Bicycle Alliance, and the Bicycle Commuter Mentor Program.
2. Provide guides: bicycling routes
Bicyclists appreciate being able to share routes and view recommended routes that indicate bike paths, bike lanes and other bike-friendly features. These maps can also include local attractions, connections to mass transit, as well as locations of practical amenities such as restrooms. Providing tools that allow bicyclists to map their own routes and calculate mileage is also helpful. Also, some regional transit organizations have trip planners that incorporate walking and biking to reach destinations. See the A Train link provided by the Atlanta Bicycle Campaign for an example. To see examples of bike maps, visit Find a Bike Map.
3. Capitalize on commute trip reduction programs
Large employers are being encouraged to reduce their employees' single occupant vehicle travel. Surveys of employees can reveal what might motivate them to ride to work and the necessary initiatives can be put into place. Employers can offer shower and changing room facilities as well as secure bicycle parking. Loaner car programs like Zip Car help employees get errands done without driving their own vehicle to work.
4. Support the carless commute
"Bike buddies" programs match experienced bike commuters with those interested in trying it out. For other examples of what can happen on a city or community-level, see Chicago's Cycle Center and the Bikestation Long Beach Case Study.
5. Seek group rides
Bicycle clubs sponsor weekly group rides that are a good way to increase comfort for less experienced riders and provide a reason to try out cycling. Group rides are also a good way to help newer riders learn their way around town by bike. Some bicycle clubs have partnered with cities to close roads to motor vehicles on certain days of the week. Cascade Bicycle Club in Seattle helps organize group commute rides. Search Bike Meet Up for group rides near you! Also, an expansive list of bicycle co-ops and other community groups can be found at Wiki's Community Bicycle Organizations page.
6. Conduct classes
Sponsor classes on bicycle commuting or bicycle handling skills. Search for classes or instructors near you!
7. For a cause: special events
Large bicycle riding events like the MS 150 and Ride for the Cure raise money for charities and provide motivation and an opportunity for cyclists to meet other cyclists and for novice riders to try out cycling in a supportive environment.
8. Celebrate bicycling
In May, Bike Month offers the perfect opportunity for people to try riding. There are many ideas for activities that can be borrowed from other communities.
9. Involve children and families: Safe Routes to School programs
Organize a Walk and Roll to School Day to encourage children and families to walk or bicycle to school. This event can also be a way to attract media attention and involve community leaders. Safe Routes to School programs sometimes include group bicycle rides—called Bike Trains—where adult leaders ride to school with students.
10. Jump on the bandwagon: partnerships with popular endeavors
Look for locally-popular issues and consider how they might relate to bicycling. For example, if environmental groups are active and successful in a community, it makes sense to find ways to partner with them to promote bicycling. For many tools on how to develop programs that promote behaviors that help the environment, go to the Tools of Change web site.
If there's an annual community event, look for a way to add a bicycle ride to the list of activities or encourage people to ride bicycles to the event.
Need more ideas?
For more ideas on how organizations (particularly employers) can encourage bicycling, visit the website for the Bicycle Alliance of Washington.
Or, check out the Portland By Cycle Bicycling Campaign for more examples of how bicycling can be promoted.
How do you make these ideas happen?
Having a group of people that care about increasing the safety and appeal of bicycling will help make this possible. There are different ways to find strength in numbers and coalitions and to organize an effective outreach campaign so you can get your ideas across-and generate solutions that support bicycling.
A coalition or group can be the most valuable tool in promoting bicycling in your community, through the strategies listed above or through policy change, infrastructure improvement, etc. Make the most of its resources and energy, and build working relationships with agencies, the private sector, and the media to gain support for your projects.
Susunan Kepengurusan Baru Komunitas B2W Indonesia
Rekan-rekan Komunitas B2W Indonesia tercinta,
Pada hari Minggu, 9 Agustus 2009 bertempat di Saung Ranger, Kampung Rancamalang, Desa Kadusirung, Kec. Pagedangan - Tangerang telah dilakukan Rapat Pleno Pengurus B2W Indonesia. Salah satu agenda utama pada rapat tersebut adalah penyusunan kepengurusan B2W Indonesia periode 2009 - 2011. Berikut adalah susunan Pengurus Komunitas B2W Indonesia periode 2009 - 2011 tersebut:
Dewan Pembina : ◊ Ketua 1 :
Dewan Penasehat :
Bayu Sukmana Pasi
Ramadhani Achdiawan
Pelindung :
Kusmayanto Kadiman
Fauzi Bowo
◊ Ketua Umum :
Toto Sugito
◊ Sekretaris :
Fahmi Pahlevi A.
Rifa Ilyasa
Winna Ananda
◊ Bendahara :
Rivo Pamudji
◊ Humas & Publikasi :
Fannie Waldhani
Lucy Iskandar
◊ Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Informasi :
Wahyu Diartito
M. Lutfi
Ripto Gatut
◊ Kegiatan :
Alfa Febrianto
Wido Kris
Yudha Bahua
Widi Asmoro
◊ Ketua 2 :
Afan Mendrofa
◊ Kewilayahan :
Poetoet Soedarijanto
Endra Datta (Bali)
◊ Keanggotaan :
Bimo Tjahyono
◊ Merchandise :
Dani Dewanto
Lukman Hakim
Dengan segala kerendahan hati, atas nama pribadi maupun Pengurus Komunitas B2W Indonesia periode 2009 - 2011, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rekan-rekan Penugurus periode 2006-2009 atas segala bantuan dan parjuangan bahu membahu selama ini, dengan diiringi permohonan doa restu serta dukungan rekan-rekan semua demi kelancaran kerja dan suksesnya program-program yang yang akan disusun.
Terima kasih dan salam berjuta sepeda!
Toto Sugito
Ketua Umum
Sumber: B2W Indonesia
Rabu Biru
Cakrawala masih biru gelap.. setelah nunggu sampai jam 6.18 akhirnya langsung gowes ke arah utara menuju rumah si mbeek.. cakrawala sudah jauh lebih biru terang dan sambil sesekali diselingi awan kelabu, udara masih sangat segar, pelan2 terdengar musik dangdut mengalun dari warung bakso, dan sesekali berpapasan dengan anak2 sekolah yang gowes ke sekolah (jadi inget masa smp), sambil terus menyusuri nangka utara yang mulai menanjak seiring detak jantung yang mulai turut berdetak kencang.. mppuufhh.. sesekali menghela nafas yang mulai memburu.. sambil menyesali diri kenapa dulu nyobain rokok.. mungkin nafasnya masih jauh lebih ok sekarang..
Tiba di rumah mbeek sekitar jam 6.29, terlihat dia sudah pake helm sambil ngeluarin sepeda. Begitu dia ngerasa diliatin, dia berbalik menghadap jalan dan langsung hormat ke arah gw.. dipikir gw tiang bendera kali pake hormat segala.. tp yah.. gw bales juga dehh hormatnya.. dan langsung kami gowes menuju KTI. Perjalanan diiringi dengan small chat seputar sepeda dan sekelumit cerita tentang track yang dilalui JH B2W kemaren.. dan diselipi kompor agar gw ikut track XC after work.. tp gw pikir pingin juga sihh nyoba..
Obrolan terhenti di tanjakan darmasaba yang cukup menguras tenaga.. dan gear pun sudah menunjuk angka 3 yang berarti seharusnya sudah ringan.. tp koq masih berat genjotnya? ini yg salah gearnya apa dengkulnya? Lalu gw dikagetkan si mbeek nanya mau istirahat nggak? ini yg membuat gw mikir.. apa gw kelihatan payah banget yach?? tp koq kayaknya masih nyanggup..?? walau memang agak mpot2an nafasnya.. langsung gw jawab nggak usah dah.. langsung aja.. (dalam hati klo gw kuat) hehehe..
Lalu karena jalannya landai jadi perlahan gear mulai melasak naik ke angka 6, dan perlahan berjalan mendekati salon yg dimiliki oleh istri bli Suda yg sudah terlihat terbuka separuh tapi nggak kelihatan manusianya. Dan terus perlahan memasuki keramaian pasar, diiringi belnya si mbeek yg bendenting semangat seperti bel sapi.. dan tak lama masuk ke jalan aspal diantara persawahan yang cukup landai tp sebenernya agak menanjak sehingga gear pun kembali turun sampai menunjuk ke angka 4 dan sambil terus disuguhkan segarnya udara persawahan dan birunya cakrawala. Sampai akhirnya memasuki pekarangan parkir KTI yang menandakan gowes pagi ini berakhir selamat, sukses, tanpa istirahat.
SAMAS event
Tak terasa waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 13:00, saat nya berangkat menuju Lapangan Puputan tempat berkumpulnya semua bikers sepeda sebelum start pukul 15:00. Perjalanan siang yang sangat melelahkan, sinar matahari terik yang terasa menguji mental bisa dilalui dengan semangat "Pantang pulang sebelum dapet door prize ... ".
Tampak pula dari kejauhan 1 bikers "nyeleneh" dengan "Mbah Surip style" nya mencari posisi start. Ini pertanda bahwa untuk bersepeda tidak ada pengaruh nya antara harga sepeda, kualitas sepeda, dll. Tapi kuncinya kemauan untuk hidup sehat dengan bergowes ria.
Setelah start dan menempuh perjalanan panjang, akhirnya rombongan Kuning (JH-B2W ikut didalamnya) tiba di Lokasi semula. Acara dilanjutkan dengan peresmian / deklarasi SAMAS, pelepasan burung merpati , hiburan, dan diakhiri dengan door prize.
Akhirnya acara ditutup dengan pengundian door prize. Ini saat yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para bikers. Hadiah utama 8 buah sepeda MTB siap dibawa pulang. Pak Budi - PLANET BIKE secara sukarela memberikan kupon door prize sebanyak 7 buah tapi memang belum beruntung. Hanya 3 bikers dari JH-B2W yang berhasil membawa souvenir cantik dari TELKOMSEL dan POLYGON. Acara selesai dan para bikers kembali ke rumah masing-masing dengan wajah gembira.
Sampai berjumpa di event berikut nya ... ^_^
B2W - Selasa pagi, 11 Agustus 2009


Akhirnya kita pun berangkat ke kantor dengan suasana yang lebih segar sembari bersama "bidadari". "Eiitt stop dulu ada view yang bagus neh, mari kita photo bersama dulu" teriak salah seorang JH Biker. Lalu bersiap-siap kita untuk ambil photo, sembari memperhatikan kendaraan yang lewat.

Sampailah kita di kantor dengan badan segar, hati senang, perut lapar :D
B2W - Jumat pagi, 7 Agustus 2009

Selasa Pagi Ceria
Tak terasa 25 menit berselang tibalah rombongan bikers tepat pukul 7.10 di parkiran kantor. Semua bikers sibuk menyusun sepeda dengan rapi dan saling mengikat sepeda satu dengan yang lainnya. Satu kata yang pantas diberikan kepada bikers yang dengan semangat tinggi tak kenal lelah mengayuh sepeda sepanjang kurang lebih 25 km tanpa mengeluh dan tetap ceria.
Bike Riding for Exercise
Are you looking for a way to lose weight and get in shape? Consider riding your bike. Bicycling is a great way to raise the heart rate and see the world from another level.
Whether you choose an actual bicycle or a stationary one, cycling works the entire body. And, best of all, cycling is fun. You can do it any time of the day all year round. You’ll change your clothing for comfort but bicycles are durable and can withstand being out in both cold and hot weather.
What specifically does cycling do for your body?
Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. When you choose an exercise to perform, you want to know if it will actually help you. There’s nothing worse than spending your time and sweat with zero results.
1. Riding a bicycle is easy to stick with.
When it comes to regular exercise, you want an activity that you can get behind for the long haul. Cycling does that. You can ride your bike around the neighborhood with family or in the park alone. If you work close to where you live, ride your bike to work in good weather. Because bike riding is versatile, riding one increases the amount of exercise you do on a daily or weekly basis.
2. Cycling builds leg muscle.
We all have been told that muscle burns more calories than fat. Biking up a hill or choosing a harder gear on flat ground puts most of the work of moving the bike on your quadriceps and hamstring muscles. You will also feel a burn in the calf (gastrocnemius) muscles. That burning will be hard to handle at first but as you get into cycling, your muscles will adjust.
3. Cycling works the abdominal muscles.
For exercise, any piece of equipment that has the potential to lead to a flat tummy is a jewel. Riding a bike is about balance. You realized that the first time you hopped on one. Maintaining your balance requires you to hold your stomach muscles tight. Also, bikes are designed with posture and alignment in mind. The longer you ride the stronger you will get.
4. It is a family activity.
Obesity has become an epidemic in youth. Kids are notorious for starting and stopping something when they get bored. Bike riding can even stop their boredom. Take a ride after dinner or on the weekends. You can bike and talk at the same time to have a lively conversation while you burn calories.
Like walking, bike riding is another exercise that can be done alone or with a group. It is easy to begin and fun to stick with. By riding your bicycle consistently you will realize all of these health benefits in a short period of time and you will definitely be glad that you took up this activity.
Content Source: Bike Riding for Exercise -